How Much Should A German Shepherd Eat A Day?

Why Does My German Shepherd Stink

German shepherds are energetic dogs who make the best companion and make great work dogs. They must be fed and exercised to keep them in a good shape, but how much should a German shepherd eat a day?

An adult German shepherd will feed on 2-3 cups of food per day. The amount of food a German shepherd should feed is determined by many factors like; age, size, health, gender, and physical activity


Factors That Affect the Amount of Food a German Shepherd Will Feed A Day


German Shepherd Puppy

Between the ages of 6-8 months, a German shepherd puppy will require a lot of nourishment to aid him to grow into an adult. 

Do not give him adult food because it contains many unnecessary nutrients that are not required by the puppy at that time. 

Consult your vet on the best puppy food and feed him 3-4 small servings in a day. As he gets older above one year, you can change to adult food.

Adult German Shepherd

At around 1- 1½ years, depending on an individual dog, a German shepherd will have attained its full height and weight. 

At this age, he will not require to eat more food as frequently as when he was a puppy. This is because he does not have too many metabolism activities.

He should be fed 2-3 cups of adult food per day.

Senior German Shepherd

When a German shepherd is in his prime years, he will require less food than in his adulthood. 

At this time he is less active and will need less food. Also, you should not give him large amounts but divide them into many smaller quantities.

The amount of food you will feed your senior German shepherd will be determined by his health.

Consult your vet regularly to direct you on when you should start giving him hip and joint supplements.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of your German shepherd will greatly impact the amount and type of food he will eat in a day.

Dog foods are sold in two categories i.e. large breed and small breed food. German shepherds fall under the large breed category. Feeding him food meant for small breeds will deny him the needed nutrients.

If your dog gains a lot of weight, it is an indicator for you to reduce the amount of food per day and vice versa.


Normally, German shepherd males weigh more than females. This implies that males will need more food than females. A GSD male weighs 30-40 Kgs while a GSD female weighs 22-32kgs.


An ailing German shepherd will be fed less than a healthy German shepherd. The Loss of appetite in your GSD is a sign of a concealed medical problem. Visit your vet for a health check-up to determine the cause and the solution to his problem.

Activity Level

 A working German shepherd will need more food compared to a lap German shepherd. A GSD that stays indoors will require less energy than the working type.

 Consult your vet for the best feeding schedule as per the activity level of your dog.

Should You Feed Dry Or Wet Food To Your German Shepherd?

Commercial Dry Food

These foods contain around 10% of moisture, are cheap compared to many dog foods, and have a longer shelf life. They nourish and promote the dental health of your German shepherd.

Wet Foods

If you want a tasty meal for your German shepherd, wet foods will do the trick. They are nutritious and have a high amount of moisture to keep your canine hydrated. They have fewer preservatives and can be easily stored.

They have a few shortcomings in that they are expensive and do not promote dental cleanliness.

Semi-Moist Food

This is not a recommendable type of food. They have excess sugar to help maintain their soft texture, the sugar is hard to digest to a dog. They also contain colors to make them look appealing but they add no nutritional value to dogs.

Dog Treats

 There are treats for puppies and adults. Treats should be fed to your German shepherd in moderation, they should not be more than 10% of the total amount of food. Feeding him excess treats can make him a fussy eater or lack proper nutrition.

Why won’t My German Shepherd Eat?

Illness- your dog can show signs like vomiting, diarrhea which are an indication of an underlying health problem.

Dental problem- your GSD might have a dental issue like swollen gums or broken teeth he will have difficulties eating.

Separation anxiety- if your dog was separated from his siblings or partner, he can have a hard time while eating.

Picky eater- if you feed your dog too many treats or table food, he can become a fussy eater.


The amount of food your German shepherd should feed per day is determined by a lot of factors. You should at all times buy the best quality of food and feed him as per his age.


Carol is a paw parent, and her love for dogs started when she was just 5. She adores her two German Shepherds and a Bengal cat, who she says, "life would be incomplete without"

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